How to loose healthy weight || Diet Plan || Health weight loss diet plan

We all are in the era of technology and most of time we spent is on the social websites or apps, thus no outing or physical activity. Hey readers welcome to the proper plan for getting ready or those how are already hustling to loose weight or rather healthy weight and following diet plan? 

Not sitting at home reading books and articles or searching youtube videos make you to loose healthy weight. I recommend leave this right run a little of around 100 meters and then come back and follow next step. hurry, still thinking go fast leave this as it. the point is that we have to take a step ahead of what we are. Rather it is being a healthy move or other, only we have to do it rather than thinking on it.

What healthy weight is?  || Healthy weight definition 

Healthy weight is generally the measure of weight to the height of a particular age person/kid or adult. Also known as body mass index (BMI). BMI stand for body mass index and is known as the ratio of weight to the height of an individual. It is different for kids and adults. It is very useful in field of medical to calculate or categorize the individuals as overweight, underweight, normal weight weight or obese.

When to loss weight? 

It is simple, if your calories intake is more and you are not burning you will gain weight. If you take less calories than you burn you will lose weight and if you eat the same amount as you burn you will maintain the same weight.

When to loss weight?

Thus for the  effective weight loss, we want to increase the calories we burn per day and when your intake calories are becoming more than you are burning, that the times comes when you start to loss weight.

Getting started || Healthy weight loss for a teenage girl

Hello readers a trilling welcome to our next article, we have a very fun what we can eat in a day. So this is what we eat in the day of high school edition, the reason that we are calling it high school edition is because this is what we can ate every freaking day in high school it was because there was on a strict (not strict) but like we were just living the same life every single day so we  just found our self eating the same food and  someone that we don't mind when we eat the same food every single day and you guys notice that we all eat a lot of the same foods every day and we don't mind really when we like a food, we eat it a lot.

We really really loved the way we ate and also when we lost our most weight, so we went from looking like this to this (see image) and lost a good amount of weight in high school and the end of my senior year was when we really started to get healthy and we credit this mostly to being plant-based not vegan because what up freelee the banana girl we were plant based which if you don't know a plant basis it's a vegan diet pretty much no two bodies are made the same so if this works for us that's great it might not work for you maybe your body reacts totally different to all these carbs.

For breakfast in high school

It would always to have a fruit bowl and my mom was an angel in high school and she made my breakfast and my lunch and my dinner so I was very spoiled in high school but she would wake up at 6 a.m. every day and make me my breakfast how cute is she and at my lunch so I would normally eat this I wouldn't really have time in the morning because I woke up so late so I would always eat this in my car which is something that is really easy to do so I would just eat whatever fruit was on hand it was about a cup of fruit every morning so today I just did a little bit of bananas and some strawberries and some blueberries.

Then once all my fruits was in the bowl I like to add a little granola in there just for a little bit of extra crunch and then you can take this with you in the morning eat it in the car on the train while you walk whatever you got to do and that was always my breakfast for lunch this is a super super easy lunch and it's very easy to pack in the morning it only takes about five minutes and it really would keep me full until I left school so this is just some protein muffins but any bread will work right here I'm just making a peanut butter banana sandwich they were my favorite sandwiches ever peanut butter that I'm using is a santa cruz peanut butter and the ingredients are just peanuts and salt so no added sugars there just keep it very natural and then I just throw on some banana onto it the these are pretty small so they only fit about four sizes in my banana and then you just eat the rest of your banana with like your lunch or whatever or my mom would put it in my fruit bowls in the morning because she'd make my lunch and my breakfast at the same time and that was that super easy and really really on my I look forward to it every single day I'm not kidding it was like my favorite it was like the highlight of my my day then

I would always have apples with peanut butter so whatever we'll be had on hand right now I have Golden Delicious which are amazing right now I think they're in like season or something because they're so yummy right now so I have one full Apple just in a little baggie like this and then my mom would always give me peanut butter to dip it in and again the same peanut butter santa cruz dark roasted peanut butter put that in a little cup and then take it with you to school and just sip your apples in it then I would also always have veggies so I like to have baby carrots and hummus and I used to eat so many carrots in high school like my mom would buy the big family size bag and I would finish it in five days so I ate carrots all the freaking time in high school so I would just have carrots and then hummus my favorite is a Sabra hummus I've tried a bunch of different kinds but this one I think just tastes the best and the ingredients are fine.

So I really like this one, it's just the original throw and Tupperware lunch box, put a lid on it and you are good to go so you have sandwich you have apples and peanut butter and you have carrots and hummus so dinner was different every night my mom like I said was an angel and she would cook for me so tasty she would just make whatever dinner she thought at the time I was the only plant-based one so she would always sort of make me a special dinner and sometimes they would eat it too so my mom actually made this for me but

I'll let her explain to you what it was just it's sauteed onion and beans and I put just a couple ounces of vegan sausage in there that gave me lean bacon sausage which is really good tomato sauce diced tomato yummy I would have tried to recreate one of her dinners but it was very authentic for her to make a dinner because this is exactly what it was like in high school so these are just the leftovers of what I have and I would normally have like leftovers a lot of nights I would do breathable I would do meatless chili or I would do a lot of stir fries anything like that pasta spaghetti a lot of carbs at night but yeah that was my dinner I just threw it over top of a sweet potato and yeah that's what I would eat I hope you guys all enjoyed that video I hope you found it somewhat helpful if you did be sure to give it a thumbs up and also let me know what are some of your other favorite you know meals you guys have packed for work or for school or for whatever these are really easy quick meals they don't really take a lot of time and anyone can make them.