Healthy lifestyle

Health is the state of being free from illness or injury. A person who has no disease, free from mental stress is known as healthy person . As we all know gold and diamond is much valuable things, but it hold no value in front of a healthy person. If a person have every luxury and comfort in his/her life but suffering from diseases have no value of gold and diamond. Therefore health is more important than any other valuables.

There is perfect saying that  “Health is Wealth”. Nothing is more important from being being disease free. Nowadays health is becoming an important issue, everybody is suffering from physical or mental problems. No one has time to take care of themselves. All we want is to achieve more and more in short time, and ignoring our strengths and weaknesses. But we should be careful about our health and take some precautions.

The main and important reason of avoiding health is MOBILE PHONES which is path to all social networking apps and becoming a necessity now a days.

Second main reason is proper diet. We should take proper diet contains requisite amount of all essential nutrients. It does not means that we spend a lot of money on food. We should have knowledge how to choose and make prepare healthy food, avoiding of sweets as much as we can. Fried food is also harmful, it only make you fat and that fat is not a good sign for many diseases. Healthy diet include fresh fruits and vegetables, green salads and much more, By taking proper diet we can make us free from unhealthy and lazy person.

Proper sleep is must for our body. Your body is like a machine, which needs proper oiling/rest after operating some time. So a good sleep is considered of 7 to 8 hours and is necessary for each one of us. Proper sleeps makes us feel fresh and energetic. This makes us more focused on daily routines, less tired. A lack of sleep leads a lots of problems including health issues.

Healthy lifestyle

Stay hydrated- As we all know water is major part of our body and to maintain a good level of H2O in our body, we need to drink water and keep our body hydrated. It replenish our digestive system. We should drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily. Be sure that the drinking water should be clean and filtered. Unclean/ dirty water may cause other health issues in our body.

Regular exercise – Regular exercise is only the way for physical fitness and healthy life. It reduces the diseases impact and improve our fitness and delay in aging process. Exercise improves stamina and enhances flexibility. When we do exercise we feel happy and energetic. To keep ourself fit and healthy, we should do regular exercise or a must say regular morning walk is best way to start exercise routine.

No junk food -  Junk foods are harmful for our body, we see that children or even adults are addicted to junk food. It gives taste but not nutrients that our body need. Pizza ,burger are the main in this category.

Remember junk food is fiberless food, which is not healthy for us. Besides this sweets are also a loophole in health. It should be in limited quantity only. Increase in its intake may increase in blood sugar level which can cause diabetics. I am not against of these, eating once a while is okay, but not make it a habit.

Alcoholics – Alcohol is very harmful for our body like caffeine, alcohol is divertic. Not only proven that it has negative impact on our body and health, also to our brain, liver, lungs, and other major organs. If you already drink regularly, it’s the time to cut it, or at very least reduce your consumption,
Breathe deeply- Oxygen intake in our body is also very important. Of course you may know how to breathe but, a better breathe is one where our lungs are completely filled, our abdomen expands and there’s minimum movement in our shoulder.

Be actively engaged with your life-  Be positive and maintain a positive out look at all times. Depression is nothing but a stupid waste of your valuable time. Don’t think negative about anyone. Socially engage with positive people and connecting with people becomes you feel more energetic and happy. If you want to be an active person and have a healthy life style, you need to take action i.e., forget to watching TV till late night, keeping the weigh off, feeling fit and full of energy requires you to be on your feet.